Monday, August 1, 2016

An Ode to Allie's Doughnuts

If you have ever been to Rhode Island, then you must have heard of Allie's Donuts.  And if you grew up in Rhode Island then you know that the best way to make friends at any party is to show up with a boxful of Allie's Donuts.  They're seriously a heart attack in a donut but so f**king worth it!
Located in North Kingston RI, Allie's Donuts provides cheap and delicious donuts that you have to try in order to have the true Rhode Island experience.  They have all the classics like chocolate glaze in addition to pretty much every freaking flavor imaginable.  They even make wedding cakes (see below!).  It's ridiculous.  Now you should be warned that if you go in there on a Saturday, you will be in line, but trust me these donuts are worth the wait.  So here it goes, and ode for you, my dearest Allie's Donuts.

Covered in sprinkles and sugary sweets
you surely are the most delicious of treats
you clog my arteries for that I am sure
but my love for you is still oh so pure

I love you my donuts
even if you often clog up gut
because I have stuffed myself completely full to the brim
that honestly my waistline could surely use a trim

but no matter I'll probably be back here tomorrow
because Allie's Donuts you're too good, without you I have nothing but sorrow

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